Monday, May 16, 2011

Thought for Today

I just finished taking my Anatomy Lab Exam, so my only thoughts right now are mostly of muscles and joints and their innervations and blood supply.  However, I do have one lingering thought.  Canadians say that they just "WROTE their Anatomy Exam." This phrase, while awkward to me at first, seems a lot more appropriate.  I didn't TAKE my exam anywhere, in fact, when I finished WRITING it, I had to turn it in to my professor.  So my American friends, we may want to re-think this one.  As for me, I need to go study so I can write two more exams tomorrow (although they are on the computer, so I am neither writing nor taking anything, ponder that one).


  1. you are so silly.

    Hope the exam went well :)

  2. Do you mean write as in the physical act of writing with pen, or write as in the creative act of putting words together to form coherent thoughts. Hopefully you were doing the latter. If not you're in trouble.

  3. Damnit. I forgot the question mark.
