Friday, May 13, 2011

"Block Weekend"

Apparently had some corruptions that deleted my previous blog.  I am hoping that it gets restored soon.  In the meantime, here's my update:  It's Friday, and this weekend is what the med students call a "Block Weekend" because on Monday and Tuesday we are tested in all of our classes in what we call "Block Exams."  There are 5 Blocks per Semester, and 5 Semesters until I get to return to the states (if everything goes well, that is.  Because if it doesn't, I may need to hide out for a while).  Tonight we have a mock lab exam that our Teaching Assistants are conducting.
So, since I will be spending the entire weekend in either my room, the anatomy lab, or the library, I will leave you with two pictures.  One of my favorite view in Saba, which strange as it may seem, is actually overlooking the airport.  The other is of my roommate Sara and me, in "Cove Bay," which is where they are working on bringing in some sand to make a Saba  beach.  Hopefully my next post will be about how I knocked my Block Exams out of the park!

1 comment:

  1. I have totally been to that airport bar. what a great view.
